How To Soothe Dogs Ears After Grooming

When dogs get groomed, they often feel refreshed and pampered, but their ears sometimes suffer. Therefore, knowing how to soothe dogs’ ears after grooming is important. Proper ear care is essential to your dog’s health, regardless of whether they have received a routine trim or a full grooming session.

In this guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind ear sensitivity after grooming and provide practical methods to reduce discomfort. You’ll also learn how to care for your dog’s ears, from gentle cleaning to soothing solutions. Let’s dive in.

Signs Your Dog’s Ears Need Soothing After Grooming

Make sure to check your dog’s ears after grooming for any signs of irritation or discomfort. There are some common signs your dog’s ears need soothing after grooming:

  • Scratching or Pawing at Ears: If your dog seems to be frequently scratching or pawing at their ears, it could indicate irritation or discomfort.
  • Head Shaking: Excessive head shaking, especially after grooming, may suggest that something is bothering your dog’s ears.
  • Redness or Swelling: Check the outer ear for redness, swelling, or inflammation, which can be signs of irritation.
  • Unusual Odor: A foul or unusual odor emanating from the ears could indicate an underlying issue that needs attention.
  • Discharge: Any discharge from the ears, whether it’s pus-like or bloody, warrants immediate veterinary attention.
  • Sensitivity to Touch: If your dog displays sensitivity when you touch or examine their ears, it may indicate pain or discomfort.
  • Changes in Behavior: Pay attention to changes in your dog’s behavior, such as increased irritability or reluctance to be touched around the ears.

Early detection of these signs can help you take prompt action to soothe your dog’s ears and prevent any potential complications.

How to Soothe Dogs Ears After Grooming

Soothe Dogs Ears After Grooming

Often, dogs experience sensitivity or discomfort in their ears after grooming. Soothing their ears can prevent further irritation and promote their well-being. Here’s how to soothe dogs ears after grooming:

Gentle Inspection

Check your dog’s ears gently first. Look for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge. Use a flashlight if necessary to get a clear view inside the ear canal. Be careful not to cause your dog any more discomfort by handling his ears roughly. Whenever you see too much wax or debris, don’t try to remove it yourself. It can cause further irritation.

Cleaning the Outer Ear

Use a soft, damp cloth or a veterinarian-recommended ear-cleaning solution to clean the outer ear area. Cotton swabs or inserting anything into the ear canal can push debris deeper inside and damage the eardrum. Wipe the outer ear flap and the area around the ear canal gently to get rid of dirt and excess moisture.

Applying Soothing Solutions

Use a veterinarian-recommended soothing solution for dog ears. Natural ingredients like aloe vera or tea tree oil help calm irritated skin and promote healing. Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions about how much to use and how often to apply. Typically, you’ll apply a few drops of the solution to the inside of the ear flap and massage it gently into the base.

Avoiding Irritants

Keep your dog away from dust, dirt, or excessive moisture after grooming. The effects of these can worsen ear discomfort and delay the healing process. Use ear protection solutions recommended by your veterinarian if your dog spends time outside.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Keep an eye on your dog’s ears over the next few days to see if symptoms improve or worsen. Despite your efforts to soothe your dog’s ears, if you notice any new symptoms, such as persistent head shaking or foul odors, contact your veterinarian immediately. In addition to providing a thorough examination, they can recommend effective treatment.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

Some cases of ear discomfort can be treated at home with proper care, but some require veterinary attention:

Persistent Symptoms

If your dog’s ear discomfort persists or gets worse despite your efforts, it could be an underlying issue that needs professional attention. You might need veterinary help if your dog scratches constantly shakes its head a lot, or reacts to touch on the ears.

Presence of Discharge

Ear discharge, whether pus-like, bloody, or foul-smelling, requires immediate veterinary attention. Infections or severe other ear conditions can also cause discharge, which requires prompt treatment.

Unusual Odors

If your dog’s ears smell foul, especially after grooming, it might indicate an infection or another issue that needs veterinary attention. Having a strong or unpleasant smell shouldn’t be a sign of a healthy ear.

Changes in Behavior

If you notice your dog acting strange, such as irritability, reluctance to be touched around the ears, or excessive head tilting, you should get him checked out by a vet.

Head Tilt or Loss of Balance

A sudden head tilt or loss of balance can indicate an inner ear infection that needs immediate veterinary attention. These symptoms shouldn’t be ignored if other neurological problems accompany them.

Chronic Ear Problems

Consult your veterinarian if your dog has chronic ear problems, such as recurrent infections or persistent irritation, despite treatment.

Pre-existing Health Conditions

Pre-existing health conditions, like allergies or autoimmune disorders, can make dogs more likely to have ear issues. Regularly checking in with your vet and managing these conditions proactively can help prevent complications.


Why are my dog’s ears irritated after grooming?

You might find that your dog’s ears are irritated after grooming due to water or shampoo residue, aggressive cleaning techniques that cause abrasions, or allergies. A dog with floppy ears is especially prone to moisture buildup, which can lead to bacterial or yeast infections. Maintaining your dog’s ear health requires gentle grooming techniques and the right products.

How to calm a dog after grooming?

Minimize loud noises and distractions after grooming to create a soothing environment. Reinforce positive associations with grooming with praise and treats. Engage your dog in gentle activities, such as walks or playtime, to help them relax. 

It is also beneficial to brush your hair or pet your dog gently to promote relaxation. Make sure they have access to water and a comfortable place to rest. After grooming, keep an eye out for signs of stress and reassure them when needed.

Can I use Vaseline to clean my dog’s ears?

You should not use Vaseline to clean your dog’s ears. Pet owners should not use Vaseline to clean or treat their dogs’ ears because it is a petroleum-based product. Vaseline can cause further irritation, blockage of the ear canal, or other complications in the ears. Use dog ear cleaning products recommended by your veterinarian to ensure your dog’s ears are cleaned safely and effectively.

Read More: How To Calm Dog For Grooming


Keeping your dog’s ears healthy after grooming is essential for their comfort and well-being. The best way to keep your dog’s ears healthy and free from irritation is to clean them gently, use soothing solutions, and know when to seek veterinary care. Make regular ear care part of your grooming routine to keep those adorable ears happy and your furry friend feeling good.

Frank Washington

I'm passionate about canine wellness, particularly skin health. Drawing on years of experience and ongoing research, I hope to provide useful insights and practical tips to help dog owners ensure their pets have a vibrant, healthy coat. As a proponent of natural and holistic care, I founded as a resource center for fellow dog lovers looking to nourish their pet's skin from the inside out.