can dogs eat sauerkraut

ItSauerkraut often comes up as a curious consideration when it comes to what dogs can safely eat. The tangy, fermented cabbage dish boasts a range of health benefits for humans, including probiotics and various nutrients. But can dogs eat sauerkraut too? It’s crucial to navigate which foods are safe and beneficial for dogs as pet owners strive to provide wholesome, human-grade food. 

In this article, we delve into whether sauerkraut is a suitable addition to your dog’s diet. 

We will discuss its nutritional value, potential health benefits, and risks. In the end, you’ll know whether sauerkraut is a healthy treat or a no-no for dogs. Let’s get started.

What is Sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is essentially fermented cabbage, a staple in many cuisines. The fermentation process involves shredding cabbage, salting it, and letting it sit for a few weeks in an anaerobic environment. Beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus turn sugars in cabbage into lactic acid, giving sauerkraut its tangy taste.

Nutritionally, sauerkraut is rich in vitamins C and K, as well as various B vitamins. It also contains minerals like iron, manganese, and potassium. The probiotic properties of sauerkraut promote gut health by fostering a diverse microbial ecosystem in the gut.

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?

Fortunately, sauerkraut is safe for dogs when consumed in moderation. However, there are several factors to consider before adding it to your dog’s diet. Safety considerations:

High Sodium Content

One of the primary concerns with sauerkraut is its high sodium content. Excessive sodium can lead to dehydration, high blood pressure, and other health issues in dogs. Choosing low-sodium sauerkraut or rinsing it thoroughly to remove excess salt is a good idea.

Additives and Seasonings

Almost all commercial sauerkraut varieties contain added spices, onions, and garlic, which are toxic to dogs. You need to make sure your sauerkraut doesn’t have these harmful ingredients.


Fermentation produces probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. However, some dogs may have sensitive stomachs and could experience digestive upset when introduced to fermented foods.

Health Benefits of Sauerkraut for Dogs

In moderation and under the right conditions, sauerkraut can provide dogs with several health benefits. Some of the health benefits of feeding your dog sauerkraut are:

Probiotic Boost

The beneficial bacteria in sauerkraut help maintain the balance of the flora in your gut. Probiotics can improve your dog’s digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and strengthen his immune system. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in preventing gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and constipation.

Enhanced Digestion

The high fiber content of sauerkraut facilitates digestion and promotes regular bowel movements. Fiber is suitable for dogs with digestive problems and helps them function properly. A fiber-rich diet, like sauerkraut, can help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Immune System Support

Vitamin C and vitamin K, especially, play a crucial role in supporting your dog’s immune system. It’s antioxidant properties make it suitable for fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation. Vitamin K helps your blood clot and keeps your bones healthy.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Sauerkraut fermentation also produces bioactive compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties. Dogs can benefit from these compounds because they reduce inflammation, which is good for overall health.

Skin and Coat Health

Sauerkraut contains vitamins and probiotics that can help maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat. Probiotics help absorb nutrients, so your dog gets what he needs for a healthy coat and skin. Additionally, the antioxidants in sauerkraut can help protect skin cells from damage.

Weight Management

Low in calories and fat, sauerkraut is a good treat for dogs that need to lose weight. Furthermore, the fiber content makes your dog feel fuller for longer, making him less likely to overeat.

How to Feed Sauerkraut to Your Dog

unseasoned sauerkraut

If you follow a few guidelines, adding sauerkraut to your dog’s diet can be done safely. Making sure you give the right type and amount is crucial for avoiding adverse effects.

Choose the Right Sauerkraut

If you want to feed your dog sauerkraut, choose plain, unseasoned varieties. You should avoid those containing onions, garlic, and other spices that are harmful to dogs. If you’re worried about sodium content, try low-sodium options or rinse the sauerkraut thoroughly under cold water.

Introduce Gradually

Start with a small amount and see how your dog reacts. You can start with a teaspoon for small dogs or a tablespoon for larger dogs. Keep an eye out for any signs of digestive upset, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Consult your vet if your dog shows any adverse reactions to sauerkraut.

Mix with Regular Food

Mix the sauerkraut with your dog’s regular food to make the introduction easier. You can use this strategy to ease your dog into the transition and make it more palatable for your dog. You should only feed sauerkraut to your dog occasionally and not make it a staple of his diet. Just a few times a week is enough to give them benefits without overloading them.

Portion Sizes

You can give small dogs one teaspoon to one tablespoon, depending on their size and tolerance. Usually, medium to large dogs can handle one to two tablespoons, but start at the lower end to assess tolerance. Adjust the amount depending on your dog’s size and response.

Observe and Adjust

Make sure your dog’s stool and overall health are in good shape. If you notice any changes in behavior, digestion, or energy levels, adjust the sauerkraut. Consult your vet before introducing new foods to your dog’s diet, especially if your dog has any health issues. It keeps your dog healthy and ensures sauerkraut is an excellent addition to his diet.


Can dogs eat sauerkraut and pork?

Dogs can eat sauerkraut and pork in moderation, but there are important considerations. Ensure that the sauerkraut is plain, unseasoned, and low in sodium since high levels of sodium can be harmful. 

It’s best to cook pork thoroughly and keep it free of seasoning, garlic, and onions, which can be toxic for dogs. Make sure you introduce new foods slowly and monitor them for any reactions. It’s a good idea to talk to your vet before adding new food to your dog’s diet.

Can dogs eat cooked sauerkraut?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked sauerkraut, but it should be plain and unseasoned. Sauerkraut cooked with onions, garlic, or excessive salt can be harmful to dogs. 

Introduce it gradually and in small amounts to avoid any reactions. Before adding new foods to your dog’s diet, make sure they are safe for their specific health needs.

Can dogs eat canned sauerkraut?

It’sIt’s generally not recommended for dogs to eat canned sauerkraut. Often canned sauerkraut has high sodium levels and additives or preservatives that can be harmful to dogs. In addition, canning might destroy the probiotics in fresh, fermented sauerkraut. You should only feed your dog fresh, plain sauerkraut that has been rinsed to reduce its sodium content, and constantly introduce new foods in moderation.

Can dogs eat raw sauerkraut?

It is safe for dogs to eat raw sauerkraut in moderation. It’sIt’s beneficial to consume raw sauerkraut that is plain and unseasoned, as it contains probiotics and nutrients. If you want to avoid digestive upset in your dog, introduce it gradually. 

Keep an eye out for signs of intolerance or discomfort in your dog. You should always choose sauerkraut without added spices, onions, garlic, or excessive salt.

Read More: Can Dogs Eat Okra?

Final Words

Sauerkraut can be a safe and potentially beneficial addition to your dog’s diet when offered in moderation. It’s packed with probiotics and nutrients to support digestive health. However, always prioritize plain, unseasoned varieties and monitor your dog’s response. It’sIt’s essential to check with your vet before serving sauerkraut to your dog.

Frank Washington

I'm passionate about canine wellness, particularly skin health. Drawing on years of experience and ongoing research, I hope to provide useful insights and practical tips to help dog owners ensure their pets have a vibrant, healthy coat. As a proponent of natural and holistic care, I founded as a resource center for fellow dog lovers looking to nourish their pet's skin from the inside out.