can dogs eat tortillas

In recent years, dog owners have become more concerned about what human foods are safe for them. Since tortillas are a staple in many households, dog owners often wonder if sharing them with their pets is harmless or risky. In this article, we’ll explore whether dogs can eat tortillas, safety considerations, and the potential benefits and risks of feeding tortillas to dogs. 

If you consider these factors, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about the food you feed your pet. So, let’s see if tortillas can be safely incorporated into your dog’s diet and how to ensure their health and well-being.

What Are Tortillas?


In many cuisines, tortillas are a versatile staple because of their thin, flat, and circular shape. Different types of tortillas, like corn and flour, have different textures and tastes.

  • Corn Tortillas: These gluten-free tortillas are prepared from corn masa (corn dough) and may have a more traditional flavor.
  • Flour Tortillas: Made from wheat flour, water, and fats like lard or vegetable shortening, they have a softer texture and milder taste than corn tortillas.

Both types serve as the foundation for a wide range of dishes, from tacos and quesadillas to wraps and chips. To know if they’re safe for dogs to eat, you have to understand their composition.

Can Dogs Eat Tortillas?

Yes, dogs can eat plain, unseasoned tortillas in moderation. As an occasional treat, you can give your dog plain corn or flour tortillas without salt, spices, or fillings like onion or garlic. If your dog has wheat or corn sensitivities, you should keep an eye on him for digestive upset or allergic reactions. Make sure you ask your vet before adding new foods to your dog’s diet.

Are Tortillas Safe for Dogs?

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether tortillas are safe for dogs:


It’s generally safe for dogs to eat plain tortillas (without added seasonings or ingredients like onions or garlic). Some tortilla dishes contain high-fat or spicy fillings that dogs may have trouble digesting.

Nutritional Content

It is not exceptionally nutritious for dogs to eat tortillas. Their diets are primarily carbohydrate-based and lack essential nutrients dogs require. In some dogs, feeding a lot of tortillas can cause weight gain and digestive upset.


Moderation is vital when it comes to any human food. Dogs may occasionally enjoy small amounts of plain, unseasoned tortillas as treats, but they should not make up a significant part of their diet.

Allergies and Sensitivities

Some dogs have allergies to ingredients commonly found in tortillas, like wheat (in flour tortillas) or corn. After introducing a new food, it’s essential to monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.

Nutritional Value of Tortillas for Dogs

Dogs can eat tortillas in moderation, but they don’t provide any significant nutritional benefit. Here’s a breakdown:

NutrientPresence in TortillasImportance for DogsNotes
CarbohydratesHighProvide energy but not essentialExcessive consumption can lead to weight gain
ProteinMinimalCrucial for muscle development and repairTortillas are not a significant source
FatMinimalEssential for overall health and energyLow-fat content, but watch out for added fats
VitaminsLowVital for various bodily functionsLacks essential vitamins like vitamin D
MineralsLowImportant for bone health and metabolic processesLacks essential minerals like calcium


  • Carbohydrates: Tortillas are primarily composed of carbohydrates, which provide energy but aren’t essential for a dog’s diet. Consuming too much food can result in weight gain.
  • Proteins and Fats: Mexican tortillas usually contain few proteins and fats, which a dog needs to develop muscle and stay healthy.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: They lack essential vitamins and minerals that dogs need, such as vitamin D and calcium.

The nutritional value of tortillas is limited, so they should only be given occasionally as treats, not as a replacement for a balanced diet.

Risks of Feeding Tortillas to Dogs

While plain tortillas can be given to dogs in moderation, there are several risks to consider:

  • Digestive Issues: Sometimes dogs get digestive issues, like diarrhea or gas, especially if they eat a lot of tortillas or if the tortillas contain added ingredients.
  • Allergic Reactions: Dogs may be allergic to wheat (in flour tortillas) or corn, which can cause itching, skin irritation, and gastrointestinal distress.
  • Weight Gain: Tortillas are high in carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain if fed in excess. Obesity in dogs can lead to various health issues, including joint problems and diabetes.
  • Toxic Ingredients: Tortillas containing garlic, onions, or certain spices can be harmful to dogs. They should always be avoided.
  • Additives and Preservatives: Store-bought tortillas often contain additives and preservatives that may not be safe for dogs. If you decide to treat your dog, opt for homemade or organic tortillas without these substances.

When sharing tortillas with your dog, understanding these risks can help you ensure his or her safety.

Can A Dog’s Appetite Affected by Not Eating Tortillas?

When considering a dog’s feeding habits, many owners wonder what to know about dog fasting. Skipping certain foods, like tortillas, may impact a dog’s appetite. A sudden change in diet can lead to digestive issues, influencing their overall well-being. It’s essential to monitor their health and eating behavior carefully.

How to Safely Feed Tortillas to Your Dog

The following guidelines will help you ensure your dog’s safety if you decide to give him tortillas:

  • Choose Plain Tortillas: Make sure your tortillas are plain, unseasoned, and without onions, garlic, salt, or spices. Homemade tortillas are preferable, as you can control the ingredients.
  • Moderation is Key: Give your dog small amounts of tortillas. A small piece occasionally is safe, but tortillas should not be a regular part of their diet.
  • Monitor for Reactions: Watch out for digestive upset or allergic reactions, like itchiness, vomiting, or diarrhea, after introducing tortillas. If any adverse symptoms occur, discontinue feeding and consult your veterinarian.
  • Portion Control: Ensure that tortillas do not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake. This helps prevent weight gain and nutritional imbalances.
  • Healthier Alternatives: Provide your dogs with healthier treats, such as carrots, apples (without seeds), and blueberries, which are safe for them.

These guidelines will help you share tortillas safely with your dog while minimizing potential risks.

Can Dogs Eat Flour?

Dogs can eat small amounts of flour, but it should be plain and without additives. The flour is not toxic to dogs, but it isn’t exceptionally nutritious either. If you use flour to make homemade dog treats, make sure it’s fully cooked, as raw flour can be challenging to digest. You should always introduce new foods gradually and in moderation to avoid digestive issues or allergies. Consult your veterinarian for personalized advice.

Read More: Can Dogs Eat Jello?


Plain, unseasoned tortillas can be given to dogs in moderation, but they have limited nutritional benefits. Make sure your dog gets a balanced diet and treats tortillas as occasional snacks. Whenever you introduce new foods, talk to your doctor if you have any adverse reactions. Following these guidelines will ensure your dog’s safety and well-being while sharing a treat.

Frank Washington

I'm passionate about canine wellness, particularly skin health. Drawing on years of experience and ongoing research, I hope to provide useful insights and practical tips to help dog owners ensure their pets have a vibrant, healthy coat. As a proponent of natural and holistic care, I founded as a resource center for fellow dog lovers looking to nourish their pet's skin from the inside out.