how to groom a great pyrenees dog

The importance of grooming your Great Pyrenees goes beyond their appearance. The Great Pyrenees dogs have a luxurious coat and gentle demeanor, so they need regular grooming. In this guide, we’ll walk you through every step of how to groom a Great Pyrenees dog. Whether you’re trying to brush your dogs or bathe them, we’ve got you covered. In addition to keeping your dog clean and comfortable, regular grooming strengthens your bond with him. Let’s get started grooming your Great Pyrenees!

The Great Pyrenees Coat

The double coats of Great Pyrenees dogs protect them from harsh weather and environmental conditions. Understanding their coat is essential for grooming them well.

Double Coat Explanation

The Great Pyrenees have a double coat consisting of a dense, woolly undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. The undercoat provides insulation during the winter, keeps the dog cool, and repels dirt in the summer.

Shedding Cycle

Pyrenees dogs shed heavily, particularly during spring and fall, when they undergo a process known as “blowing coat.” The undercoat sheds profusely during these periods, so you have to brush them more often. Keep your home fur-free and your dog comfortable with regular grooming during shedding seasons.

Essential Tools for Grooming Great Pyrenees Dog

It’s essential to have the right tools on hand to groom Great Pyrenees dog. Investing in quality grooming tools will make the process easier and more enjoyable.

  • Slicker Brush
  • Undercoat Rake
  • Pin Brush
  • Nail Clippers
  • Dog Shampoo
  • Grooming Scissors
  • Ear Cleaning Solution
  • Dental Care Products

How to Groom a Great Pyrenees Dog

It requires several steps to groom a Great Pyrenees dog to keep their coat healthy and mat-free. Here’s how to groom your Great Pyrenees:

Brushing the Coat

brushing the coat

It is essential to brush your Great Pyrenees’ coat, especially since they have a thick double coat. You should brush your dog every day, especially during the shedding season when they “blow” their coat. Start with a slicker brush to remove loose fur and detangle any mats. 

After that, use an undercoat rake to remove dead hair from the undercoat. Lastly, smooth out the outer coat with a pin brush. Brush in the direction of hair growth to avoid causing discomfort. Remember to clean behind the ears, under the legs, and around the tail, which are prone to matting.

Bathing Your Great Pyrenees

Bathe your Great Pyrenees every 6-8 weeks or as needed to maintain their coat and skin health. Frequently bathing can strip the coat of its natural oils, so you’ve got to find a balance. Brush your dog thoroughly before bathing to get rid of loose fur and tangles. Wet the coat thoroughly with lukewarm water before applying a dog-specific shampoo. 

Make sure you lather the shampoo well, and avoid the eyes and ears. Rinse thoroughly to ensure no shampoo residue is left, as this can cause skin irritation. Use a large towel to blot off excess water from your dog’s coat and let it air dry, or use a low-heat dog-specific blow dryer to speed up the drying time.

Nail Trimming

You should trim your Great Pyrenees’ nails regularly, ideally every 3-4 weeks. Before beginning the process, make sure your dog is calm and relaxed. Invest in high-quality nail clippers designed for large breeds. Trim the nail a small amount at a time so as not to cut into the quick. 

If you accidentally cut the quick, use styptic powder to stop any bleeding. If you are unsure how to trim nails properly, ask a professional groomer or vet to show you. Short nails help prevent discomfort and injuries.

Ear Cleaning

As part of their grooming routine, you should clean your Great Pyrenees’ ears once a month or as needed. You’ll need a dog-specific ear cleaning solution and cotton balls. Apply a few drops of the solution to the ear canal, then massage the base of the ear to help it spread. 

Wipe away dirt and excess solution with a cotton ball, being careful not to put anything in the ear canal. Regular ear cleaning keeps your dog’s ears healthy and prevents infections. Consult your vet if you notice redness, swelling, discharge, or a foul smell in your ears.

Dental Care

Dental hygiene is crucial for the overall health of your Great Pyrenees. Brush your dog’s teeth 2-3 times a week with a toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Lift your dog’s lips and brush them in a circular motion, focusing on the gum line. 

If necessary, take breaks to make the experience more comfortable for your dog. Additionally, it provides dental chews and toys designed to promote oral health. Your dog needs regular professional cleanings from a vet to keep his teeth and gums healthy.

Regular Health Checks

Checking your Great Pyrenees’ health during grooming sessions is a great way to monitor them. When you’re grooming, check for lumps, bumps, skin irritations, or parasites. If you catch more serious health problems early, you can prevent them. Also, keep an eye on your dog’s coat, skin, ears, eyes, and overall behavior. 

Consult your vet right away if you notice anything unusual, like changes in appetite, behavior, or appearance. Maintaining a regular grooming routine will keep your Great Pyrenees healthy, happy, and looking great.


Is it OK to shave a Great Pyrenees dog?

In general, it is not recommended to shave a Great Pyrenees. In summer, their double coat acts as insulation, keeping them cool. Shaving can disrupt this natural cooling and insulation system, leading to sunburns. Maintaining their coat and keeping them comfortable all year round requires regular grooming and brushing. Consult your vet or a professional groomer if you need more clarification.

Are Great Pyrenees hard to groom?

Are Great Pyrenees hard to groom

Due to their thick double coat and tendency to shed heavily, Great Pyrenees can be tricky to groom. Regular grooming keeps their coat healthy and prevents matting. But it’s easy to groom your dog with the right tools and techniques, like undercoat rakes and slicker brushes. 

Despite their size and coat density, they may require more time and effort than some other breeds. Keeping your Great Pyrenees well-groomed and comfortable requires consistency and patience.

Read More: How To Groom A Double Coated Dog


Grooming your Great Pyrenees strengthens your bond and keeps them healthy. Following this guide will help you keep their coat in great shape and monitor their health. Remember, regular grooming not only enhances their appearance but can also help you detect potential health problems early. Give your Great Pyrenees the love and care they deserve by grooming them.

Frank Washington

I'm passionate about canine wellness, particularly skin health. Drawing on years of experience and ongoing research, I hope to provide useful insights and practical tips to help dog owners ensure their pets have a vibrant, healthy coat. As a proponent of natural and holistic care, I founded as a resource center for fellow dog lovers looking to nourish their pet's skin from the inside out.