can dogs eat olives

Many pet owners wonder about the safety of various human foods for their pets. One frequently asked question is, “Can dogs eat olives?” More people are eating diverse diets that include goodies like olives, so it’s important to know how these treats affect dogs. Olives are popular for their flavour and health benefits for humans, but the implications for dogs are less clear. 

In this article, we’ll explore whether olives are safe for dogs, the nutritional content of this fruit, and any potential risks associated with feeding them to your pet. With us, you can make informed decisions about your dog’s diet, ensuring their health and happiness. Let’s dive in.

Are Olives Safe for Dogs?

It is always a good idea to be cautious when feeding dogs human food. So, are olives safe for dogs? In general, plain olives are not toxic to dogs and can be eaten in moderation. Among their benefits are healthy fats that can contribute to a shiny coat and overall well-being. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the type and preparation method of olives.

Olives that are fresh and unsalted are the best option for dogs. In contrast, many store-bought olives contain harmful ingredients like garlic and spices. Sodium levels in brined olives can cause salt poisoning, resulting in symptoms like excessive thirst and urination. 

Furthermore, olive pits can cause intestinal blockages and choking hazards. While olives are suitable for dogs in their natural form, they should be prepared carefully and consumed in moderation.

Nutritional Breakdown of Olives for Dogs

The nutritional value of olives varies, so it’s essential to know how to use them in your dog’s diet. Fresh olives are low in calories, but high in fat, with a typical serving full of monounsaturated fats that are good for heart. Additionally, they contain fiber, protein, iron, copper, and calcium, as well as a few vitamins and minerals.

However, fresh and processed olives can differ significantly in nutritional content. For instance, brined olives are soaked in a salt solution, which drastically increases sodium levels. Excess sodium can cause dehydration, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Olives stuffed with garlic, blue cheese, or other additives can be toxic or harmful to dogs.

Additionally, olives contain a compound called oleuropein, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it’s imperative to ensure that the potential risks of high fat and sodium content don’t overshadow these benefits. It is essential to understand these nutritional details before feeding olives to your dog.

Risks and Considerations of Olives for Dogs

Risks and Considerations of Olives for Dogs

There are several risks and considerations to consider when eating olives despite their health benefits. Such as:

High Sodium Content

A big concern with olives is their high sodium content, especially in store-bought brined olives. When dogs get too much sodium, they get salt poisoning, which manifests as vomiting, Diarrhea, thirst, and urination. In severe cases, it can cause tremors, seizures, and even death. Choose fresh, unsalted olives or rinse brined olives well to reduce salt levels if you give your dog olives.

Choking Hazard from Olive Pits

Olive pits pose a significant choking hazard for dogs. Easily lodged in the throat, these small, hard pits can cause your dog to choke or even asphyxiate. Additionally, swallowing pits can cause intestinal blockages, which may require surgery. In addition, olive pits can damage your dog’s gums and teeth. You should permanently remove the pits from olives before giving them to your dog.

Harmful Ingredients in Stuffed Olives

There are many ingredients in stuffed olives that are harmful or toxic to dogs. Some fillings are dangerous, like garlic, onions, blue cheese, and spicy peppers. Garlic and onions are poisonous to dogs and can cause symptoms like lethargy, elevated heart rate, and red blood cell damage. You should avoid giving your dog any stuffed olives to prevent exposure.

High-Fat Content Concerns

Olives are high in fat, which can be problematic for dogs with certain health conditions. Olives can worsen symptoms or flare-ups in dogs with pancreatitis, obesity, or other fat-sensitive conditions. High-fat foods can make you gain weight and cause other health problems. Make sure you talk to your vet before introducing olives or any other high-fat foods to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Olives if They Can Also Eat Basil?

Can dogs eat olives? Yes, in moderation, but it’s essential to consider their diet. Both olives and basil can be safe for dogs, so understanding if dogs can eat basil can help determine if they can enjoy these additions. Always consult with a vet for personalized advice.

How to Safely Include Olives in Your Dog Diet

How to Safely Include Olives in Your Dog Diet

If you decide to include olives in your dog’s diet, it’s essential to do so safely and moderately. Here’s how to make sure your dog can enjoy olives without getting sick:

Recommended Serving Sizes

Start with small quantities and see how your dog reacts. You can start with a few slices of an olive. Monitor your dog for any signs of digestive upset or allergic reactions. If your dog tolerates olives well, you can occasionally give it as a treat, but make sure treats are not more than 10% of their daily calorie intake.

Preparation Methods

Choose fresh, unsalted olives to avoid high sodium levels. Rinse brined olives thoroughly under running water to reduce the salt content. To prevent choking hazards, don’t give your dog olives with pits. Instead, give your dog small, manageable olive pieces so they can eat them more easily.

Alternative Dog-Friendly Foods

If you are unsure about feeding your dog olives, consider alternative treats that offer similar benefits. Veggies like carrots, cucumbers, and green beans are low in calories and provide vitamins and minerals without the risk of olives. Blueberries and apple slices (without seeds) are also great.


Can dogs eat black olives?

Yes, dogs can eat black olives, but they should be given in moderation. Despite being toxic to dogs, black olives are a good source of healthy fats. However, when it comes to black olives, you should avoid brined or stuffed olives, as these can contain high levels of sodium or other harmful ingredients. 

Choose fresh, unsalted black olives and remove any pits to prevent choking. Start with small amounts and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.

Can dogs eat olive oil?

Yes, dogs can eat olive oil in moderation. It has anti-inflammatory properties, improves skin and coat health, and enhances digestion. Try mixing a teaspoon of olive oil into your dog’s food at first, and watch for any digestive upsets. 

Ensure the olive oil is extra virgin and not mixed with anything else. Before making any changes to your dog’s diet, talk to your vet.

Can dogs eat green olives?

Yes, dogs can eat green olives in moderation. Green olives are not toxic to dogs, but they should be given with caution. Don’t give your dog brined green olives because they contain high levels of sodium. Always rinse brined olives thoroughly to reduce the salt content. 

Also, remove the pits to avoid choking hazards and intestinal blockages. Start with small amounts and watch your dog for any reactions. 

Can dogs eat sardines in olive oil?

Yes, dogs can eat sardines in olive oil, but moderation is key. Sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential vitamins. You should choose sardines packed in water or olive oil without salt or seasoning. 

It’s good for your dog’s skin and coat, but too much fat can upset his stomach. Start with a small portion and monitor your dog’s reaction. 

Can dogs eat kalamata olives?

You can give your dog Kalamata olives as a rare treat, but they need to be pitted. If not, remove the pits yourself to prevent choking hazards and intestinal blockages. Kalamata olives, like green olives, contain more sodium than black olives. 

Due to this, they should be given sparingly to avoid health problems. If your dog has any adverse reactions to new foods, consult your vet.

Can dogs eat extra virgin olive oil?

Yes, dogs can eat extra virgin olive oil in moderation. The benefits of extra virgin olive oil for dogs include improved skin and coat health, better digestion, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Start with small amounts of extra virgin olive oil in your dog’s diet, such as a teaspoon mixed into their food. Make sure the olive oil is pure and not combined with other ingredients. 

Can dogs eat anchovies in olive oil?

It’s best to avoid giving dogs anchovies in olive oil. Although anchovies are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, the added oil can cause digestive upset or pancreatitis in some dogs. 

Furthermore, anchovies packed in oil often have added salt, which can be bad for dogs. Instead, go for plain, unsalted anchovies. You should always introduce new foods slowly and check with your vet.

Can dogs eat green olives with pimentos?

Dogs can eat plain green olives in moderation, but you shouldn’t give them green olives with pimentos. Although pimentos themselves aren’t toxic to dogs, they are often brined, which can make them high in sodium. 

Excessive sodium intake can cause dehydration and other health issues. Furthermore, if not prepared correctly, olives and pimentos may pose a choking hazard. Make sure you give your dog plain, unsalted green olives, and permanently remove the pits. Consult your vet before introducing new foods to your dog.

Read More: Can Dogs Eat Tuna

The Takeaway

To conclude, dogs can eat olives in moderation, but their type and preparation are crucial. A fresh, unsalted olive with the pit removed is a tasty treat, but brined olives are high in sodium. Always consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your dog’s diet. If you know the potential benefits and risks, you can figure out whether your dog can eat olives safely.

Frank Washington

I'm passionate about canine wellness, particularly skin health. Drawing on years of experience and ongoing research, I hope to provide useful insights and practical tips to help dog owners ensure their pets have a vibrant, healthy coat. As a proponent of natural and holistic care, I founded as a resource center for fellow dog lovers looking to nourish their pet's skin from the inside out.